The Ester Community Park is independent of the Borough parks and recreation system and is operated and maintained by community volunteers. Rental fees help the ECA purchase and maintain this beautiful community park.
How to schedule events:
1. Check the Google calendar to make sure it isn’t already reserved.
2. Use our online payment site to pay for the reservation and provide event details
3. Follow-up with an e-mail to [email protected] to confirm.
All events are subject to approval.
When reserving the pavilion, stage or field, we ask that you haul all of your own trash out with you. There are garbage cans throughout the park, but please plan to haul away your own event trash.

Park Reservation Prices
Rental rates: (NEW RATES JULY 1, 2021)
Park Pavilion – 1 hour $25; Up to 5 hours $40; 5-8 hours $75
Pavilion and Field – 1 hour $40; Full Day – $250
Park Stage and Field – 1 hour $100; Full Day $400
Sports Field – 1-5 hours $40; 5-8 hours $100
Hartung Hall – 1- 5 hours $40
Public events require event insurance with additional coverage for the Ester Community Association and private landowner. Large events may require additional restrooms, security or other measures.
Commercial use is negotiable and may involve a percentage of proceeds. Contact ECA prior to any potential commercial use.
Ester Community Park
The Ester Community park is a beautiful location for small and large events. Rates vary by use and duration. All users are asked to ensure that access to the playground is open even if the park has been reserved for your event.
Hartung Hall
Located on Lower Stone Road Hartung hall is ideal for small gatherings, birthday parties, garage sales, music performances, dances and other events. Fees may be discounted or waived for public-purposes, holidays open to the public, or events by non-profits.
To confirm your reservation we require advanced payment.
Use our online payment site (Square) to confirm your reservation.
To confirm payment please email [email protected].